11 Reasons Why Engineering Might be the Right Field for You - bwin体育大学-bwin体育

11 Reasons Why Engineering Might be the Right Field for You

Picture of 11 Reasons Why Engineering Might be the Right Field for You
职业生涯 项目关注的焦点

Engineers do things that others only imagine. In fact, if it can be envisioned, an engineer can work to make it possible. If a modern-day bridge exists, a civil engineer made it possible. 结构工程师和建筑工程师共同努力建造一座能够承受强风和地震的建筑物. Biomedical engineers design prosthetic limbs and artificial organs.

工程是, 事实上, 一个广泛的术语,可用于包括医学在内的各种技术和科学领域, 体系结构, 和环保. 工程是 typically divided into five main branches:

  • 机械工程
  • 电气工程
  • 土木工程
  • 化学工程
  • 工业工程

Although these are considered the “traditional” branches of engineering, there are many other types of engineers, 更多的工程子领域, and interdisciplinary engineering fields.

事实上,还有更多 50种工程职业 从中选择和很多很好的理由为什么你会喜欢作为一个工程师的职业生涯, 包括:

  1. Have a Successful 职业生涯 but Still Have Time to Enjoy 生活

工程师的薪水很高(甚至是起薪),并且在他们的职业生涯中找到了很多工作满足感. 但, 也许, 它最大的好处之一是你有时间享受你的劳动成果. 工程类工作通常能让你在工作和个人生活之间找到一个很好的平衡.

  1. 你要有创造力

作为一名工程师,你可以在即兴发挥和面对新情况时发挥你的想象力. 工程是, 事实上, the ideal field for independent thinkers.

工程师的工作是设计和建造新事物,或者使现有的项目或情况变得更好, often coming up with solutions that are innovative and new. 一组工程师, which could include mechanical engineers, 软件工程师, 电气工程师, 例如, 能不能一起设计和制造一个能拯救生命的医疗诊断机器.

工程师是解决问题的人. 许多工程师继续创造新的发明,并为他们的想法获得专利.

  1. 非常受人尊敬的

Engineers are highly respected individuals. 他们努力工作,使他们周围的世界成为一个更好的地方,为自己和他人生活, and they do things that others only dream about.

  1. 与其他优秀的工程师一起工作

你将有机会与其他有创造力的人一起工作,他们的思维方式将挑战你以一种全新的、令人兴奋的方式看待事物. 你会以你从未想过的方式发挥你的才能,因为你的同事.

In fact, engineering takes teamwork. 作为一名工程师, 你将有机会与你所选领域内外的许多人互动. You’ll be surrounded by people who will challenge you, people who will cause you to stretch and grow, 还有那些能激励你的人.

  1. 解决问题的机会

从事工程工作给你解决问题和设计真正重要的东西的机会, things that make the world a better place in which to live. 作为一名工程师, you can use your God-given talents to find solutions that no one else has thought of; it’s an opportunity to make your mark on the world.

  1. 永远不要感到无聊

想象一下,有一份工作,你的天赋能让你创造出以前只存在于你脑海中的东西——一份让想法变成现实的工作. That’s what an engineering career can do for you. There’s never a reason to be bored when you’re an engineer.

  1. 有竞争力的薪水

Engineers earn a very competitive salary. 例如,根据 美国劳工部, the average annual salary of someone with a bioengineering degree is $98,340. The top ten percent, however, can expect to make around $149,000 annually. Even starting salaries are exciting for new graduates. Mechanical engineers, 例如, have an average annual starting salary of $63,527.

  1. 你做什么很重要

作为一名工程师, God can use you to make a difference. 工程师对他们的社区和周围世界的积极影响是显而易见的. Buildings withstand whatever nature has to throw at them, babies in neonatal intensive care units thrive, water systems bring life-saving water to remote areas of the world, 手机不仅能让bwin体育和世界上任何地方的人通话. 工程师将创造力带入生活.

  1. 开始旅行

Engineering and fieldwork often go hand-in-hand. An engineer’s creation may wind up far from their home. They may design a bridge that is to be built in Paris, 开发将在非洲使用的安全饮用水系统,或开发一种农业技术,帮助养活世界各地的穷人. The engineer’s presence could be needed during the initial install or build, or the engineer may need to be onsite to figure out and fix a problem.

  1. 拥有令人兴奋的职业

一个工程学位可以为你提供一个有很多自由和兴奋的职业. Employers value employees who’ve taken the time to pursue an engineering degree. 他们知道工程师受过良好的教育,学会了解决问题和分析问题的技巧, valuable tools that will benefit the company.

  1. 改变世界

作为一名工程师,你将有机会以不同的方式改变世界 只有你 可以想象. 想象一下参与人造器官和其他救生医疗设备的创造, pollution controls to preserve the environment, or low-cost building materials to assist in the fight against global poverty. Engineers make a difference in the world around them, 拯救生命, 预防疾病, 减少贫困, and protecting the world God created.

Learn How to 改变世界 at bwin体育大学

Does the prospect of changing the world excite you? 你想要一份能让你运用上帝赐予的才能来改变你生活的职业吗, 你的社区, 以及你周围的世界? If so, you should check out Geneva’s 工程项目 它提供了 生物医学工程, 化学工程, 土木工程, 计算机工程电气工程环境工程机械工程或其他专业 跨学科领域. For more information, contact us at 855-979-5563 or web@yzhhchem.com. Get ready to make your mark on this world.








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