教师可以从人工智能中学到什么? |bwin体育bwin体育-bwin体育



A recent phenomenon within sociotechnology is the overwhelming confidence placed in artificial intelligence (AI). 社会, 作为一个整体, 已经开始相信人工智能有正确的答案, 所需要做的就是提出正确的问题. 这甚至催生了一个新的职业领域,叫做, “提示工程,在那里,人们不仅学会了如何提问, but how to adjust the position or pretext of the question to create a context that would render the most correct response. 如果老师对学生也有同样的信心呢?

In 1968 a study was conducted by researchers Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson that did just this. The study sought to investigate the effects of teachers’ expectations on students’ academic performance. 在研究中, teachers were deceived into believing that an average group of students were, “增长放缓,” exhibiting amazing academic potential and ability for rapid intellectual growth. (罗森塔尔和雅各布森,1968). 正如预期的, the teachers pushed these students to learn more aggressively and the students did exceptionally well.

尽管这项研究是基于R.K. 1948年的默顿, 当然, Greek poetry where Pygmalion experiences the original version of this phenomenon (Good, Sterzinger, 和艾薇儿2018), 它已经在各种环境中经过了良好的测试. 在接下来的20年里, the Pygmalion in the Classroom (PC) concept has been used in almost every facet of life, from bootcamp (Eden and Shani 1982) to retail stores (Sutton and Woodman 1989), 并且被证明是非常准确的.

The effectiveness of the Rosenthal study was not merely in abstract expectations from the students, 而是在教师的实际行为中. Teachers who thought their students were average or below average would not follow-up on wrong student answers provided in the classroom. 他们为什么要? 你为什么要问一个回答乏味的学生呢? 正相反, teachers who held the belief that their students were intelligent and capable responded differently when confronted with a wrong answer, 问, “你为什么这么想??“这是因为如果老师对学生有很高的期望, 他们会超越学生的反应, 尤其是当它不正确的时候. They will take time to investigate how the question may have been incorrectly phrased, 或者上下文是如何被误解的, to cause that student’s particular error—just as is seen in the use of Artificial Intelligence.

在这篇简短的学术评论中, the concentration involves the social behavior surrounding interrogation of AI systems, 以及正确的问题如何产生正确的答案. This is a small step beyond the benefits of immediate access to a global system that provides intelligible answers to natural human language queries.

此外, it extends beyond the issues arising from AI delivering inaccurate information due to flawed curation or programmed biases. 它涉及到bwin体育社会结构的转变, where humans have greater expectations of AI than in that of their fellow human’s true intelligence. It is important to remember that AI is regurgitating a statistical response from the writings of humans in the past. Humans still have the ability to create and innovate with new ideas and accomplishments.

为教师, understanding dependence on AI may go beyond setting higher expectations in the classroom, 它可能涉及对人性的全面信仰. If teachers believe that AI is the pinnacle of intellectual achievement, then this belief will also be silently conveyed to students in the classroom. Students will then grow into adults feeling that their own humanity and opinions are secondary to a statistical database with natural language processing. 尽管箴言23:7有很多注释, a persistent interpretation is that a person’s heartfelt belief shapes who they are beyond our conscious thought.

因为他心里怎样想,他就是怎样的人. 吃喝!’他虽对你说,心却与你不在一起.(《bwin体育》,箴言23:7).

尽管, 或者可能是由于, 这些因素, 人工智能有可能引领教育的复兴. 愿意重塑问题的教师, 学习语境定位, 研究提示工程学在工作和家庭中使用人工智能, may be more likely to understand the importance of pedagogy in the classroom. 改变问题的措辞和人工智能的背景可能, 无意中, 培养教师提问学生的能力, and also improve the way they convey information for the course materials. While there remains a concern about the potential dehumanization resulting from increased reliance on AI, there are also valuable classroom lessons to be learned from how expectations are placed on it, and how contextual thinking must be adapted for its proper application.




伊甸,多夫和亚伯拉罕·B·沙尼. 1982. “Pygmalion goes to boot camp: Expectancy, leadership, and trainee performance.应用心理学杂志67 (2):194.

很好,托马斯·L,娜塔莎·斯特辛格,还有艾莉森·拉维尼. 2018. “Expectation effects: Pygmalion and the initial 20 years of research”. 教育研究与评价24 (3-5):99-123.

罗伯特·罗森塔尔和莱诺·雅各布森. 1968. 《bwin体育》. 城市评论3 (1):16-20.

萨顿,夏洛特·D和理查德·W·伍德曼. 1989. “Pygmalion goes to work: The effects of supervisor expectations in a retail setting.[j] .心理科学学报,21 (6):943.

圣经:世界英语圣经. 2021. ebible.org. http://ebible.org/eng-web/.


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